Prayer Coach, The Prayer of the Righteous - volume 1

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Everything God does on earth, He accomplishes in partnership with His people through prayer. As John Wesley said, ‘God does nothing but in response to prayer, and everything through it.’ This prayer manual that you have in your hands has been written for you.
In this volume 1 of Prayer Coach, The Prayer of the Righteous, I have designed simple formats that you can follow to pray and get the results you want. This prayer manual is a warfare manual for your life.
In addition to the prayers, I have also included some of my preaching notes on prayer and spiritual warfare for you to read and meditate on. Use these to create your own prayer points.
We learn to pray by praying. It is through prayer that we exercise the authority of the believer that was given to us in the resurrection of Jesus. Use this manual as a springboard to develop and deepen your prayer life.