The Precious Blood of Christ

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Nothing is more important to grasp in life than the understanding of the potency and the preeminence of the blood of Jesus. It is a sad fact that the modern believer is clueless to the many aspects of the Gospel. We are living in an era of bloodless Gospel and this is why we see powerlessness rampant in the church.
- Paul told the Roman saints to have faith in the blood of Jesus
- Peter unveiled the blood as precious
- John revealed the advocacy of the blood
- All the patriarchs understood the authority and veracity of the Blood
In this brand new four-part series, Glenn will unveil to you revelational truths about the blood of Jesus.
- You will see the word redeemed, redeemer and redemption in a new light
- You will understand God’s blood plan
- You will see the protection the blood of Jesus affords
- You will understand the difference between the shed and sprinkled blood
- You will understand how to apply the blood of Christ for your daily protection
- This is a must series if you want to gain a whole new understanding of the precious blood of our Savior.