Prayer and Fasting Combo

30,00 €
Rs 900
ZAR 500.00
The Prayer Life of Jesus – developing yours by looking at His
Nothing is more important than your prayer life.
You don’t have to be like the majority of believers who have a non-existent prayer life. You can learn from the best! Who else is better qualified to impart the spirit of prayer and supplication in you other than Jesus? As you peruse through the pages of this volume on prayer, you will learn divine secrets from the Master to delve into depths and dimensions of prayer that you have never entered before.
In this book you will discover:
- The secrets to Jesus’s prayer life
- Seven different facets of prayer
- How to operate under an open heaven
- Depths and dimensions in prayer
- What the prayer of importunity is
- How to be alone with God
- Secrets to successful spiritual warfare
The future belongs to those who pray!
101 Explosive Benefits of Fasting
The weapon of fasting is a much neglected artillery in the modern church and yet it is the key that will trigger the supernatural Christianity that we have been craving for. The old-timers understood and engaged this mighty weapon to wreak havoc in the kingdom of darkness and to stir up the fires of revival down through the ages. While fasting has nothing to do with your salvation, nonetheless it has everything to do with your supernatural walk. This will be a great resource to satisfy and quench your thirst for the deep things of God.
The Power of Praying in Tongues
Are you ready for the supernatural?
Tired of mundane, dead Christianity and want to see Bible days in your life? Then this book is for you! This is not a book based on emotionalism and stories but an exhaustive research into this marvelous aspect of prayer. It will begin a new chapter of hope and experience in your life as a believer.
Praying in other tongues will be a door to major breakthroughs in your life!