101 Explosive Benefits of Fasting

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This brand-new book is a weapon of mass destruction in the camp of the enemy. The weapon of fasting is a much neglected artillery in the modern church and yet it is the key that will trigger the supernatural Christianity that we have been craving for. The old-timers understood and engaged this mighty weapon to wreak havoc in the kingdom of darkness and to stir up the fires of revival down through the ages. While fasting has nothing to do with your salvation, nonetheless it has everything to do with your supernatural walk. This will be a great resource to satisfy and quench your thirst for the deep things of God.
In this book you will learn:
- Is fasting passed away?
- Jesus’s perspective of fasting
- Paul’s perspective of fasting
- The ten-fold definition of fasting
- When should you fast?
- The different genres, types and intensity levels of fasting
- 101 explosive benefits of fasting
- 101 power fasting quotes
- How to properly position yourself for a fast
- Over 250 wisdom nuggets throughout the book
This book is an absolute must if you are tired of a life of helplessness and a life of mundane Christianity. The kingdom of God is not in meat and drink but in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
Now more than ever there is a need for the body of Christ to resurrect this mighty weapon of fasting to tear down strongholds.